[Marketplace] Parts: Ur Quattro Engine complete

Ben Swann marketbot at audifans.com
Thu Nov 9 22:01:06 EST 2006

Section:  Parts
Title:    Ur Quattro Engine complete
Price:    1,000.00
Location: Annapolis,  MD 21401

Date:     November 01, 2005
Contact:  Ben Swann
Email:    benswann at comcast.net
Phone:    410-897-9329


I plan to pull my '83 WX engine and swap with a 20V.  It runs strong, good compression, manifold cracked - but have perfect one.  The engine includes turbo, oil cooler, intercooler, all CIS including aluminum intake and igloo, wiring Harness and chipped ECU.  This is a good drop in to a 4000 quattro or coupe GT since all parts will be included to make fit and run in those cars.


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