[Marketplace] Parts: UrS4, UrS6, S4, S6 p/s pump

Piotr Stegawski marketbot at audifans.com
Tue Dec 4 15:04:43 PST 2007

Section:  Parts
Title:    UrS4, UrS6, S4, S6 p/s pump
Price:    150.00
Location: Seattle, WA

Date:     November 02, 2006
Contact:  Piotr Stegawski
Email:    Piotr.Stegawski at paccar.com
Phone:    206-290-8777


Power Steering pump for the 92-97 UrS4 & UrS6. This pump was on my car and worked fine but leaked fluid. I bought another from Shokan ($250) and when I took this one out I realized that only reason it leaked was a loose fitting/cap. I replaced an o-ring under the cap and tightened it so this pump is now perfectly fine. Price does not include shipping, but UPS Ground will be under $15 in the lower 48. It will be shipped from 98034 and the package is 7lbs, 12" x 9" x 6".


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