[Marketplace] Wanted: Relay sockets needed for 90Q

Thomas Edwards marketbot at audifans.com
Tue Dec 11 08:49:29 PST 2007

Section:  Wanted
Title:    Relay sockets needed for 90Q
Price:    1.00
Location: Troy, NY

Date:     November 02, 2006
Contact:  Thomas Edwards
Email:    tedwards at nycap.rr.com


Looking for relay sockets for a 1991 90Q:  1 relay socket that "plugs-in" to the aux relay panel (443 937 527) and at least 2 relay sockets (I'll take as many as 4) that "clip-on" to the aux relay panel (443 937 528).  Also want the contacts included with some length of wire attached to allow for reconnection.  Also looking for a rear defog switch.  Tell me what you've got and how much you want for it.


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