[Marketplace] Parts: (2) 19x8 Tsw Thruxton 5x100

marketbot at audifans.com marketbot at audifans.com
Fri Dec 14 20:44:10 PST 2007

Section:  Parts
Title:    (2) 19x8 Tsw Thruxton 5x100
Price:    200.00
Location: North Seattle, WA

Date:     November 02, 2006
Email:    wintrdemon at yahoo.com
Phone:    wintrdemon at yahoo.com


My old man let my stepmonster borrow his TT one "foggy" night.  The next morning he woke up and went outside to get the news paper, looked all over his car with a magnifying glass, and discovered hairline surface scratches on his polished lips.  In frustration, he went inside, blasted some Ministry on the stereo until the stepmonster uwoke from her hungover acoma.  They both yelled and swore in comotion "what the f$%^?"  Then he said "Get your ass to Schwabbs and get me some new rims!"  So then he gave them to me.  They have maybe ...5k on them.  Good shape cept for the minute scratches from the gravel donuts.  NO bends exc.  1 or 2 scraped spokes.  Ride perfect.  509 869 1669


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