[Marketplace] Cars: V8 all-red tail lights

Peter marketbot at audifans.com
Thu Dec 20 23:40:00 PST 2007

Section:  Cars
Title:    V8 all-red tail lights
Price:    140.00
Location: Kirkland, WA

Date:     November 02, 2006
Contact:  Peter
Email:    piotrsuw at comcast.net
Phone:    206-290-8777


Set of taillights from a ~90-92 V8. Good condition overall but they do have a couple small hairline cracks. One is next to the lock ~1" long, and the other is in the right hand corner light. They are both shown in the pictures below and don't leak water. The cracks aren't noticeable unless you are looking for them closely. These lights will look great on a 88 5000 or any 200 (older 5000s have the trunk lock in a different location so these won't work)


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