[Marketplace] Parts: RS2 OEM factory silicone hose:

Josh Leonti marketbot at audifans.com
Sat May 26 19:41:16 EDT 2007

Section:  Parts
Title:    RS2 OEM factory silicone hose:
Price:    260.00
Location: bristol,RI

Date:     December 05, 2006
Contact:  Josh Leonti
Email:    livinotte at cox.net


I bought a RS2 silicone hose for my ABY s2 conversion a while ago.  I was looking at pictures of the ABY and ADU intercooler and I thought it might work.  It works but there's a kink in the hose when I install it and I tried moving the cold side compressor housing to make it work better but nevertheless there is still a kink in the hose.  Is it doable? possibly, but if there is a buyer for the hose I'll consider selling the hose.  So I paid $280.00 for it.  It's not a cheap hose by any means.
I'm asking $260.00+shipping for the hose if anyone is interested.  Pictures avaliable this week or upon request possibly sooner.  It's a two piece hose btw.  The main part is silicone and the bypass valve hose is rubber with an aluminum adapter holding them together with hose clamps.


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