[Marketplace] Parts: Audi 3B michellin man hose OEM

Joe Marconi marketbot at audifans.com
Thu May 31 00:58:13 EDT 2007

Section:  Parts
Title:    Audi 3B michellin man hose OEM
Price:    60.00
Location: Toledo, Ohio

Date:     December 05, 2006
Contact:  Joe Marconi
Email:    audicoupeparts at yahoo.com
Phone:    419-841-9690 or 419-283-4068


Good condition flex rubber and steel-ring re-enforced pressure hose for the 3B S2 or 3B 200 Turbo Quattro 20  valve engine.

Part No. 035-145-720-A

$140 when new.  

Will sell for $60 OBO since it does have some miles on it.  Over all in good condition.

Check out my web site for used Audi Coupe Quattro parts--------


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