[Marketplace] Parts: 15" Speedline wheels

jim marketbot at audifans.com
Wed Oct 31 19:54:48 PDT 2007

Section:  Parts
Title:    15" Speedline wheels
Price:    150.00
Location: Boston – S New Hampshire

Date:     October 31, 2006
Contact:  jim
Email:    jmccarthy at oeb.harvard.edu


Speedline 15” SL 601 alloy wheels.  7.5J 15 H2, 5 X 112, offset 40. Audi # A406010250.  Some minor curb rash and peeling clear coat. With center caps.  Higher resolution photos of individual wheels upon request.  Good winter rim for UR S cars.  $150 plus shipping.  Delivery possibilities in Boston – S New Hampshire area.


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