[Marketplace] Wanted: AAN or 12V6 POS

Nathan Engelbert marketbot at audifans.com
Thu Sep 27 05:52:10 PDT 2007

Section:  Wanted
Title:    AAN or 12V6 POS
Price:    50.00
Location: Dayton, OH

Date:     December 09, 2006
Contact:  Nathan Engelbert
Email:    n-engelbert at terrans.net


I'm looking for either a 4a0 905 351 or a 4a0 905 351A POS module for my 95 S6 avant.  From what I understand, the modules are interchangeable.

I failed a channel in one of mine the other day, and the "extra" channel had already been jumped to for a #5 cylinder failure in the past.

I'm driving to Chicago tomorrow, so if you can get it to me tomorrow, that would be excellent.


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