[Marketplace] Parts: Complete 4.2L Engine with Wiring

Chase marketbot at audifans.com
Sun Apr 13 13:31:44 PDT 2008

Section:  Parts
Title:    Complete 4.2L Engine with Wiring
Price:    2,000.00
Location: Independence, MN

Date:     December 04, 2007
Contact:  Chase
Email:    Audi-Parts at AP-Specialties.com
Phone:    763-479-5333


Complete 4.2L Engine with Wiring Harness from 97 w/118K - $2000
Engine is in good shape, 118K with complete TB service done about 2K ago. Comes complete with wiring harness, less accessories for $2000...Freight will be around $300

I am not parting out the engine...

Shoot me an email at Audi-Parts at AP-Specialties.com if your interested.


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