[Marketplace] Parts: Brand New Apikol FMIC C4 S4/6

Demetri marketbot at audifans.com
Tue Apr 29 16:14:22 PDT 2008

Section:  Parts
Title:    Brand New Apikol FMIC  C4 S4/6
Price:    1,000.00
Location: North Arlington, NJ

Date:     December 04, 2007
Contact:  Demetri
Email:    demetrixanthos at yahoo.com
Phone:    2014676492


Brand New FMIC kit from Apikol for the C4 S4/6 with R134 AC Condensor. Original list price is $1,350 but I am only asking for $1000 shipped! please email me at demetrixanthos at yahoo.com for pics.


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