[Marketplace] Wanted: Crank Pulley w/ Vib Damper 3B/7A

Ben Swann marketbot at audifans.com
Fri Feb 1 06:13:33 PST 2008

Section:  Wanted
Title:    Crank Pulley w/ Vib Damper 3B/7A
Price:    80.00
Location: Annapolis,  MD 21401

Date:     December 02, 2007
Contact:  Ben Swann
Email:    benswann at verizon.net
Phone:    410-897-9329 443-822-1560(c)


WTB Crank Pulley with 3 V-belt pulley assembly in NEW condition - Crank keyway perfect and no slippage, no cracks in the rubber,  slight paint chipping accepted, but no rust.  Pulley needs to be for the supertorque belt - 3B from '91 200, late MC-2 (200Q), 7A with Timing Belt Drive Pulley part no. 035 105 263 (A, C) and  3 belt Harmonic Vibration Damper  034 105 251 (A, B, C) and pulley.


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