[Marketplace] Parts: 1984 4KQ, Coupe, Wiring Diagrams

Russ marketbot at audifans.com
Mon Feb 4 11:53:49 PST 2008

Section:  Parts
Title:    1984 4KQ, Coupe, Wiring Diagrams
Price:    15.00
Location: Castle Rock, CO

Date:     December 02, 2007
Contact:  Russ
Email:    russell.s.southerlin at lmco.com
Phone:    303-918-9244


I have a set of 1984 4KQ wiring diagrams that were printed from microfiche.  I have scanned them into a "pdf" file so that you can print and zoom in/out. Theses are for a 1984 Coupe, 4000S, and 4000S Quattro but I have found that they do work well for all years of 4KQs, I have an 87 4KQ and they have been real handy.

You can either send me a check or Paypal me $15 and I will Email the pdf file to you.


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