[Marketplace] Parts: 10vT Silicone Intake hose

Jeff Redig marketbot at audifans.com
Thu Feb 28 14:01:36 PST 2008

Section:  Parts
Title:    10vT Silicone Intake hose
Price:    65.00
Location: St Paul

Date:     December 02, 2007
Contact:  Jeff Redig
Email:    birdmanmt at gmail.com
Phone:    651-402-5994


This is a 10vT silicone intake hose.  I think it's a 20vT hose trimmed down to fit, but cannot verify.  The ends are a little torn up, I tried to take pics to show that, but they don't show up.  Where it's a little rough, it gets clamped out when installed.  I never had a boost leak there, I used to pressure test regularly for leaks.  These are NLA.  Price includes shipping to the lower 48.  Email me for pics!


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