[Marketplace] Parts: Bentley Electric Manual, 80, 90

Dave Michael marketbot at audifans.com
Tue Jun 3 06:56:31 PDT 2008

Section:  Parts
Title:    Bentley Electric Manual, 80, 90
Price:    20.00
Location: Massachusetts

Date:     December 06, 2007
Contact:  Dave Michael
Email:    adavidmichael+afc(at sign)gmail.com
Phone:    617 796 77 nine six


This is the "Electrical Troubleshooting Manual" part of the 3 book Bentley repair set for the 80, 90 and CQ. It is for years 88-90. Sorry, but I do not have the other two books. Shipping not included. Should be about $8.00.


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