[Marketplace] Cars: Radiator for Audi 90 V6

David E. marketbot at audifans.com
Mon Jun 9 11:49:34 PDT 2008

Section:  Cars
Title:    Radiator for Audi 90 V6
Price:    125.00
Location: Portland OR

Date:     December 06, 2007
Contact:  David E.
Email:    ellis101+audi at gmail.com


I had a new Rad. installed by a shop, they mis-diagnosed an overheating problem and put in a new rad. in my car.  the problem turned out to be something else, so I have the original still good radiator for sale,  it came from a 1993 Audi 90q v6, it is P/n 8AO 121 251 B made in Germany.  The Car only had 84000 miles on it and it had been extensively serviced including radiator flushes at the factory (or more) intervals,

best price on the net is $305 for a new one so $125 shipped to  you seems fair


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