[Marketplace] Parts: 20v 7A ECU

Brad marketbot at audifans.com
Tue May 13 20:48:05 PDT 2008

Section:  Parts
Title:    20v 7A ECU
Price:    75.00
Location: MN

Date:     December 05, 2007
Contact:  Brad
Email:    bradlarz at hotmail.com
Phone:    (507) 398-5980


I have an early 7A ecu from a '90 20v 90q for sale. This ECU is the early version with two connectors. This wwould be great for someone who plans to chip their car (new 034 EFI chip) and doesn't want to do the soldering or just doesn't want any down time. 

Price includes shipping. Feel free to ask questions. 



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