[Marketplace] Parts: Nokian Hackapalletia snow tires

Joe Marconi marketbot at audifans.com
Mon Nov 3 06:27:20 PST 2008

Section:  Parts
Title:    Nokian Hackapalletia snow tires
Price:    250.00
Location: Toledo, Ohio

Date:     November 01, 2007
Contact:  Joe  Marconi
Email:    audicoupeparts at yahoo.com
Phone:    419-283-4068  or 419-841-9690


I have good set of nearly new Nokian hacka snow tires on 14 inch Audi Original 14 inch rims.   Perfect for 4000 quattros, and Audi 80/90 series with small brake cailpers.   Will work great on a 90/91 Sedan 20v.----


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