[Marketplace] Wanted: NEW this week Audi 90 SEDAN 20v

Joe Marconi marketbot at audifans.com
Sun Nov 30 07:20:37 PST 2008

Section:  Wanted
Title:    NEW this week  Audi 90 SEDAN 20v
Price:    0.00
Location: Toledo, Ohio

Date:     November 01, 2007
Contact:  Joe Marconi
Email:    audicoupeparts at yahoo.com
Phone:    419-283-4068 or 419-841-9690


NEW Thanksgiving week.--- A solid Alpine White 1991 90 series 20v sedan with 7A engine. Whole car will be parted out down to the last nut and bolt.--Everything available for sale. Offers accepted on EVERYTHING and ANYTHING. No respectable offers refused.----Check out my web site for other photos of available parts.----www.audicoupequattro.com


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