[Marketplace] Wanted: WTB Transmission '91 200Q20VTQ

Ben Swann marketbot at audifans.com
Wed Apr 22 10:42:58 PDT 2009

Section:  Wanted
Title:    WTB Transmission '91 200Q20VTQ
Price:    300.00
Location: Annapolis,  MD 21401

Date:     December 04, 2008
Contact:  Ben Swann
Email:    benswann at verizon.net
Phone:    410-897-9329 443-822-1560(c)


Looking for good trans for a '91 200 quattro 20V with 3B engine.  Would be nice if near Annapolis-Balt.Wash. so I can pickup or close to keep shiping down.  V8 trans will be good too.


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