[Marketplace] Parts: B4 audi 90 vacuum booster setup:

josh leonti marketbot at audifans.com
Sun Aug 30 20:02:57 PDT 2009

Section:  Parts
Title:    B4 audi 90 vacuum booster setup:
Price:    50.00
Location: Bristol, RI

Date:     December 08, 2008
Contact:  josh leonti
Email:    livinotte at cox.net


I've got a 1994 audi 90 vacuum booster.  It will work well in coupe quattro applications and others if you want to ditch hydraulic assisted brakes.  It came from a california car and is in nice shape.  I'll post pictures tomorrow.   Make an offer if your interested.  I'm going to run a b3(pre 1993) unit because it gives me a little more room with the S2 power steering hose.  Just the booster which means the master cylinder is not included. $50.00 plus shipping. U can see a picture of it mounted but not bolted in the car below:


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