[Marketplace] Cars: S6 Black/Black '97

Henry marketbot at audifans.com
Wed Mar 18 09:43:10 PDT 2009

Section:  Cars
Title:    S6 Black/Black '97
Price:    9,000.00
Location: Nashville, TN

Date:     December 03, 2008
Contact:  Henry
Email:    henry.w.manice at vanderbilt.edu
Phone:    508.789.3469


Looking to sell my car before I graduate from Vanderbilt in May. If there is anybody in Nashville who is interested, drop me a line. 

It is a 1997 model (imported from Canada in 2000), so it does not communicate with inspection station computers in some states. Since it is post '95, they do not allow tailpipe tests. I am from MA- it registered when I bought it in 2005 and each year after (I have an '09 sticker now), but it does not have an inspection sticker. 

108,000 miles. Car is fully serviced, in great condition, no problems. Runs smoothly. MTM 1+ chip, stromung exhaust.


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