[Marketplace] Parts: urs4/6 parts leftovers...

MIke marketbot at audifans.com
Sun Mar 22 18:00:30 PDT 2009

Section:  Parts
Title:    urs4/6 parts leftovers...
Price:    100.00
Location: nj

Date:     December 03, 2008
Contact:  MIke
Email:    s6mike at yahoo.com


ECU never opened - $500, euro '91 S4 cluster (from my crashed S4 in Europe not sure if it works, glassy plastic cover broken, because dashbord got dismantled) - obo100 ??, us 95 S6 cluster with 13x,xxx miles, complete and works fine - $100, s6 grill w/ no badge - obo, left corners - obo.


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