[Marketplace] Parts: spal 12 inch fan:

Josh Leonti marketbot at audifans.com
Mon Oct 5 19:44:44 PDT 2009

Section:  Parts
Title:    spal 12 inch fan:
Price:    100.00
Location: Bristol, RI

Date:     October 31, 2008
Contact:  Josh Leonti
Email:    livinotte at cox.net


Was used for mock up but didn't work for my application.  It's a high performance fan .  (VA10-AP70/LL-61A Fan (12" HP Curved Blade) 12" Curved Blade High Performance Fan / 12V Puller).  New price is $175.00 for it.  I'm asking $100.00 for it.  It needs a connector added to it, and has a few damaged grill slats.  (see here for details: http://www.spalusa.com/pdf/30102029_SPEC.PDF#view=FitH)


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