[Marketplace] Parts: 1990 CQ parts - 7A B3 B4 90 80

Todd marketbot at audifans.com
Sat Sep 5 15:05:51 PDT 2009

Section:  Parts
Title:    1990 CQ parts - 7A B3 B4 90 80
Price:    1.00
Location: Jacksonville, FL

Date:     December 09, 2008
Contact:  Todd
Email:    TREE4309 at Comcast.net


I've got a few leftover parts from my 1990 Coupe Quattro available, most will fit other models as well.  4x108 spare tire, never used; black knee panel; 4x108 hubs; brake carriers; aftermarket A/C Condenser (Brand new, still in plastic, doesn't fit CQ - maybe it's for a 90?); steering wheel and airbag (no clockspring - will separate); stock CQ springs.  Also have B5 A4 center caps (brand new in plastic); B6 S4 gauge cluster (brand new - in OEM box).  Make a reasonable offer on anything you're interested in, or I'll come up with a price, just ask. You can see pictures of parts here - http://s111.photobucket.com/albums/n128/tree4309/  Thanks!


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