[Marketplace] Parts: C4 map light w/ good switch

Brant marketbot at audifans.com
Thu Sep 10 19:58:52 PDT 2009

Section:  Parts
Title:    C4 map light w/ good switch
Price:    5.00
Location: Southeast MN

Date:     December 09, 2008
Contact:  Brant
Email:    brantmthorn at gmail.com


I have one in ecru and three in platinum. All are for the front doors, meaning they only have the on/off switch, no door setting. All the switches are good, but some of the mounting points may be cracked. In the past I've used a dab a glue and it holds up better than new. The important part is that the switch is good... These may also work in a B4. $5 + shipping.


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