[Marketplace] Parts: FS: AAN head

Rich marketbot at audifans.com
Wed Aug 25 06:09:30 PDT 2010

Section:  Parts
Title:    FS: AAN head
Price:    0.00
Location: Charleston,SC

Date:     December 08, 2009
Contact:  Rich
Email:    audibing
Phone:    843-408-8691


Head has a recent decking , and about 2k miles on it since. Comes with the matched Caps,a new box of stem seal, and a new CPS. No valves,springs,and have lifters and cams if you want them .I had this as a spare head to do a port and polish job, sold the S4 and dont need this any longer. . .$400 shipped or give me your best offer . . 


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