[Marketplace] Parts: Misc. 5 cylinder Stuff

Greg marketbot at audifans.com
Fri Jan 15 07:26:11 PST 2010

Section:  Parts
Title:    Misc. 5 cylinder Stuff
Price:    0.00
Location: 50613

Date:     December 01, 2009
Contact:  Greg
Email:    audicoupegt_06 at yahoo.com


i might have some more floating around but i know i have atleast 2 cam shafts, one is a turbo cam the other came from a JT motor, i have a 7A aluminum oil pan, and a turbo downpipe with flexible wastegate
15$ each for the cams, 25$ for the Oil pan, 25 for the downpipe.  I will have to dig around but i might still have 7A intake manifold without the throttle body if i do have it 30$.  All prices DO NOT include shipping charges, pictures on request.  Thank You


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