[Marketplace] Parts: 200 TQ Black leather sport seats

Joe Marconi marketbot at audifans.com
Thu Jun 24 20:45:42 PDT 2010

Section:  Parts
Title:    200 TQ Black leather sport seats
Price:    100.00
Location: Toledo, Ohio

Date:     December 06, 2009
Contact:  Joe Marconi
Email:    audicoupeparts at yahoo.com
Phone:    419-283-4068


Drivers side is a 8  out 10.  Small 1 inch cut in bolster.  Heated and full power functions.   $100---- Passenger seat is flawless.  $100----  I can ship these seats for around $80 per seat or less depending on your location.   Parting out entire 200 tq avant.  Email me with your requests.----Need pics? I will send you huge photos.


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