[Marketplace] Parts: fiberglass rs2 bumper:

Josh Leonti marketbot at audifans.com
Fri Mar 12 17:09:46 PST 2010

Section:  Parts
Title:    fiberglass rs2 bumper:
Price:    100.00
Location: Bristol, RI

Date:     December 03, 2009
Contact:  Josh Leonti
Email:    livinotte at cox.net


I just bought this bumper from another fellow audifans member.  I don't think i'm going to use it.  I'm asking same price I paid for it.  $100.00.  I'll get pictures up tomorrow.   I doubt very much I want to ship it.  located in Bristol, RI 02809   The last fiberglass bumper I shipped was cracked in the process of shipping it. 


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