[Marketplace] Parts: RARE column cover for Coup Q

Joe Marconi marketbot at audifans.com
Wed Mar 31 21:42:54 PDT 2010

Section:  Parts
Title:    RARE column cover for Coup Q
Price:    100.00
Location: Tolledo, Ohio

Date:     December 03, 2009
Contact:  Joe Marconi
Email:    audicoupeparts at yahoo.com
Phone:    419-283-4068


Here we have a ultra super rare column cover for Audi coupes and 90 sedans that had the "rounded" stalk switches but NO airbag.   These column covers have LONG since been No longer available from Audi.  VERY few coupes and sedans came with this particular configuration of options.  They either had no bag and "square" stalk switches or an Airbag with the later rounded stalks.   This is a great part to have for using the Sport steering wheel on cars that have an airbag.  The horn function will now work with this part.   $100 OBO


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