[Marketplace] Cars: WTS:APPLE IPHONE 4G 32GB $300USD

steven wood marketbot at audifans.com
Thu Sep 15 12:35:59 PDT 2011

Section:  Cars
Title:    WTS:APPLE IPHONE 4G 32GB $300USD
Price:    300.00
Location: usa

Date:     December 09, 2010
Contact:  steven wood
Email:    telco214inc at gmail.com
Phone:    0932932


Samsung I9100 Galaxy S II .. $300
Blackberry bold touch 9900/9930 $300
Apple iphone 4g 32gb ... $300
Apple ipad 2 64gb wifi with 3g ... $320
its brand new in the box, unlocked with one year warranty
email: telco214inc at gmail.com


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