[Marketplace] Parts: LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p (Full

abdel marketbot at audifans.com
Sat Jun 16 21:47:17 PDT 2012

Section:  Parts
Title:    LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p (Full
Price:    500.00
Location: middle

Date:     December 06, 2011
Contact:  abdel
Email:    abdel2moneim at gmail.com
Phone:    +447035946691


LG - 55LW5600 - 55" Class ( 54.6" viewable ) LED-backlit LCD TV...........$600
LG - 65LW6500 - 65" Class ( 64.7" viewable ) LED-backlit LCD TV............$1050
LG 42LW550T 42-inch Widescreen Cinema Full HD 1080p 3D 100Hz LED.......$650
LG 47LM6700 47 Inch 1080p 120Hz 3D LED LCD TV..................$700
LG 55LM7600 55 Inch 1080p 240Hz 3D LED LCD TV........................$800
Samsung UN55ES8000 55 Inch 1080p 240Hz Flat Panel 3D LED HDTV...........$900
Samsung - UN65D8000 - 65" Class ( 64.5" viewable ) LED-backlit LCD...........$1,100
Samsung - UN60D8000 - 60" LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p (FullHD)....................$700
Samsung - UN60D6000 - 60" LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p (FullHD).................$800
Panasonic TC - L47ET5 - 47" LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p (FullHD)...................$600
Panasonic TC - L55E50 - 55" Class ( 54.6" viewable ) LED-backlit ......................$650
Panasonic TC - L55DT50 - 55" Class ( 54.6" viewable ) LED-backlit ..................$900
Panasonic TC - L47DT50 - 47" LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p (FullHD)...................$700

EMAIL -: abdel2moneim at gmail.com
abdel2moneim at hotmail.com
elbaradeilink at yahoo.com

SKYPE; Abdelmoneim147 

Contact Name:Abdel moneim

Please Contact Number: +447035946691


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