[Marketplace] Parts: B4 headlights and spare parts

Steve marketbot at audifans.com
Thu Jun 21 18:45:28 PDT 2012

Section:  Parts
Title:    B4 headlights and spare parts
Price:    1.00
Location: Monroe, WA

Date:     December 06, 2011
Contact:  Steve
Email:    steve413 at gmail.com


Set of B4 headlights with all mounting tabs intact. The issue with these is the lenses have a few dings and the reflectors around the edges of the lights are discolored. Still very useable. $40 plus ship<p>

spare B4 light caps $10</p><p>
spare h4 internal light mount $5</p><p>
B3 Passenger Ecode lens w/seal(DEPO)$15</p><p>
B4 headlight trims $5/ea</p><p></p>


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