[Marketplace] Parts: Benn Swann AAN stage 3 v1 ecu

marketbot at audifans.com marketbot at audifans.com
Sat Jun 23 10:57:46 PDT 2012

Section:  Parts
Title:    Benn Swann AAN stage 3 v1 ecu
Price:    550.00
Location: 03743

Date:     December 06, 2011
Email:    ooaudioo at gmail


Details beyond it having the adjustable VMAP in it would have to be discussed with Ben. Obviously the ECU has socketed also.

Ran my AAN 4kq for 2+ hours...slightly rich in different places for my setup.(t04 turbo 42# injectors, big FMIC). Ran fine for the 2 hour trip to work then I stuck a VEMS in it. So i dont need this anymore...

550 shipped OBO


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