[Marketplace] Parts: Audi 500 Watt Radiator Fan

Ken Gross marketbot at audifans.com
Mon Jun 25 11:12:05 PDT 2012

Section:  Parts
Title:    Audi 500 Watt Radiator Fan
Price:    45.00
Location: South Park, CO

Date:     December 06, 2011
Contact:  Ken Gross
Email:    ken_gross at hotmail.com
Phone:    970-485-3995


I have a good used 500W Rad fan pulled from a running 91 200 20v. This fan has the curved S blade design. Makes a great upgrade for turbo converted small chassis cars. $$$125obo. 

 I also have a couple of 4000Q all metal fan shrouds. These can be combined with the 500W fan to make a sport quattro type cooling system. $45obo


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