[Marketplace] Parts: 205/55/16 snows on Wineglass

Tom Mullane marketbot at audifans.com
Sat Nov 17 17:54:20 PST 2012

Section:  Parts
Title:    205/55/16 snows on Wineglass
Price:    350.00
Location: Glastonbury, CT

Date:     November 01, 2011
Contact:  Tom Mullane
Email:    tmullane at gmail.com


205/55/16 Artic Altimax snows on Audi "Wineglass" factory wheels (5 x 112). Very good condition. Used one season on our old 1999 Audi A6 before we traded it. Will fit A6 up to 2005, A4, other models of Audi and VW (no TT) 


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