[Marketplace] Cars: 01.5 Audi A4 1.8 sport

ryan marketbot at audifans.com
Fri Nov 23 17:33:24 PST 2012

Section:  Cars
Title:    01.5 Audi A4 1.8 sport
Price:    1,700.00
Location: north central mass

Date:     November 01, 2011
Contact:  ryan
Email:    Ryan_Pollock at student.uml.edu
Phone:    978 496 4872


2001.5 Audi A4 Sport. 1.8 litre turbo, 5spd, black on grey leather. cyl 2 is showing lower compression (80, vrs 160) which gives it a slight stumble at idle and throws the check engine light. drives fine otherwise but really needs to be fixed to pass inspection. A/C inop. slight rip in driver seat. nice little car looking for TLC. 


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