[Marketplace] Parts: 4kq cgt lowering springs

Russ marketbot at audifans.com
Sun Mar 31 14:42:34 PDT 2013

Section:  Parts
Title:    4kq  cgt lowering springs
Price:    125.00
Location: PA

Date:     December 03, 2012
Contact:  Russ
Email:    alpine87.5 at gmail.com


I have a used set of 4kq front H&Rs with around 35k on them. A pair of new, never mounted rear 4kq H&Rs. Also a set of cgt rear lowering springs by suspension technique with around 30k on them. They are the longer set in the pic. Not sure where I got the short set or who the manufacturer is. Can let them go though. $150 plus shipping for the 4kq set or $125 for the cgt set. I would like to sell the fronts as a set then will off what ever rear springs are left by them selves. 


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