[Marketplace] Parts: Audi D2 A8 Armrest center

Stephen marketbot at audifans.com
Sun Oct 13 19:06:59 PDT 2013

Section:  Parts
Title:    Audi D2 A8 Armrest center
Price:    300.00
Location: Killeen

Date:     October 31, 2012
Contact:  Stephen
Email:    kuma85 at gmail.com


I have a middle front arm rest with the phone base. No phone is included. mounting brackets are included. The interior of the drivers side armrest is dirty, as the previous owner did not take very good care of their vehicle. I have reconditioned the leather on the outside and cleaned up the outside as much as possible. it looks very good and the leather is soft and supple.  I will leave the cleaning of the inside up to the buyer. 

these usually go for over 350$ used on ebay. Mine is in very good shape other than being dirty on the inside. I would like 300 shipped


pics upon request


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