[Marketplace] Parts: Type44 Parts New & Used

Dave marketbot at audifans.com
Thu Apr 3 05:55:17 PDT 2014

Section:  Parts
Title:    Type44 Parts New & Used
Price:    1.00
Location: York PA

Date:     December 04, 2013
Contact:  Dave
Email:    Ihateputers420aol.com


I after having gotten rid of the 89 200q Avant I picked up, I have a bunch of parts that I no longer need.  All prices are + shipping, with an option of delivery at Carlisle.

New Parts
~Blau drive shaft carrier bearing $35
~FAG 82mm wheel bearing.  $30
~Front(G60) brake pads, semi-metalic with 1 sensor, and no hardware Part# MKD419 (one sensor broken when recieved, and hardware was never recieved) $20
~2 Front Brake rotors.  Were sold to me as Aimco, but boxes only say "quaility Parts" Part # 34000/10134000 $50
~Rear organic brake pads, from Advance Auto Part # NAD228 $20
~Rear Rotors Centric brand Part # 121.33014.  These are the tall hat version for the FWD(I ordered the wrong ones). $30

Used Parts (Known good parts recieved from members)
~brake Bomb $50
~clutch master $25
~Dirty but good PS hoses $Make offer
~Slightly dirty coolant res. with good sensor, cap, and factory coolant tag. $25
~Windshield washer res with pump $15
~Rear seat heater vents with cig lighter $10

Im sure there is more that I am forgetting.  I will update with pics ASAP

Thanks for looking


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