FYI-quattro road trip

james accordino ssgacc at
Sun Aug 20 19:08:38 EDT 2000

sorry about that blank last message.  my boy decided
to send it.

Army directed travel this weekend, so I tried to do
some careful calculations for no reason what so ever. 
I thought about the commercial for the new Nissan
Maxima, except I substituted my 89 200q-junkyard

496 miles
times I stopped=0
times I stopped for gas=0
fuel consumed=19.3 gal.
computer indicated mileage=25.6 mpg
calculated mileage=25.7 mpg
driving time=7 hr. 18 minutes
computer indicated average speed=68 mph
calculated average speed=67.95 mph
roadway breakdown: 3% city 
                   18% 2 lane undivided
                   79% 4 lane divided (interstate)
fueling data: same brand/grade fuel
              same station
              same time of day
              same weather 
              same top-up technique

The trip went very well.  Ride was quiet and smooth as
always.  I continue to be impressed with this "old"
cars capabilities.  I can't really imagine driving an
A6/4.2 or 2.7tt.  Maybe someday.

Jim Accordino

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