4kq trip computer wiring

Thomas J Barbera tjbst39+ at pitt.edu
Mon Aug 21 12:26:58 EDT 2000

Is anyone out there familiar with the trip computer wiring in the 4kq's?
As a result of the turbo conversion, I have disconnected the trip
computer, but I'd like to still have a clock.  The wiring diagrams tell me
nothing of the wiring in the trip computer itself.  As far as I can tell,
the red and blue wire gives power for the clock.  The clock works with the
car off, but as soon as I turn the key on, the clock shuts off.  I checked
the wire that powers the clock, and the voltage stays constant with the
key on or off.  What would cause the clock to shut off when I turn the key
on?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  

Tom B.
'86 4ktq (running, still working bugs out)
'87 5ktqa (donor, parting out)

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