2 piece EM welding, skimming, and coating

VWAudiPorscheNut at aol.com VWAudiPorscheNut at aol.com
Mon Aug 21 18:03:17 EDT 2000

In a message dated 8/21/00 1:32:55 PM Pacific Daylight Time, jurg at pp.sbbs.se 

<< Anyone that has seen a welded part being normalized understands why welded
 manifolds tend to crack...
 Jörgen Karlsson
 Gothenburg, Sweden

Yes, I understand. I am a certified TIG/MIG operator, and I myself have 
welded cast iron, without incident, using the procedures you described. One 
thing I like to do, is after finishing the bead, I set the oven to around 450 
degrees, and place the part in it, every 15 mins, I lower the oven temp by 50 
degrees, until it gets turned off, this allows the metal to cool SLOWLY, 
allowing proper heat-treating.... As Jorgen stated, welded cast will be as 
good or better than original, if done properly. Often, people that are 
uniformed will spread rumours, based on here-say. Heck, its even possible to 
weld steel to aluminum, with the right rod! Happy Audi-ing.

1977 924

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