like, this never happens!

Buchholz, Steven Steven.Buchholz at
Mon Aug 21 16:12:37 EDT 2000

> >Wrench in Mammoth replaced cable and disconnected the broken cruise 
> >control linkage (rod?).  When I get my car back home, what's 
> >involved in replacing this? Very $$$? Cheap n' easy?
> Two words.
> Junk. Yard.
... and get another weathered bushing, ready to fail again?  The replacement
bushing is readily available from Audi for no more than a couple bucks ...
I'm sorry that I don't have the P/N handy.  Anyone who has TFA can look up
the bushing number by looking under the V8 Quattro.  While the link rod is a
different length on the V8, it does call out the bushing separately, and the
V8 part is identical to the one used in all of the 5 cylinder cars I've
seen.  I think that the part number shows up in the A4 separately as well.
I'm pretty sure the P/N was posted in the archives as well.  

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)

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