93 S-4.....Flakey ignition coil?

joe-p joe-p at msn.com
Mon Aug 21 21:24:45 EDT 2000

I once again need your help. There seems to be an intermitant miss in the ignition system.  Mostly in the morning when I turn on the radio, there is some RF interferance being generated as I can hear it through the speakers.  This "ticking" changes as the engine revs so I know its in the ignition system somewhere.  Also there is a drop in revs at idle symptomatic of a miss and the car runs like s%&# under load particularly with the A/C on and its running a little hot..  I have changed the plugs, and the plug boots as well as the O2 sensor.  I think I have it narrowed down to one of the ignition coils.  Question is: How do I isolate the intermitant coil? Trial and error?  I don't have a problem throwing the $125 or so at the problem and spending a few hours removing and replacing coils if I can be reasonably sure its a coil.  Am I barking up the right tree?  Thanks for your help....I can use it!
Joe P
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