S-4-01 snow wheels??

Todd Phenneger tquattroguy at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 21 19:49:55 EDT 2000

Heya Michael,
  You HAVE to run a 16" wheel due to clearance issues
with the big brakes on the new S4's.  I would bet that
the ur-S4 wheels will fit but I'm not sure.  I dont
see why not though.  Offset is close to the same.

--- Bikeaudi at aol.com wrote:
> Can one fit 15" Fuchs rally wheels on the new 01
> S-4?  How about 5spoke 16" 
> UR-s4 wheels for snows on the new S-4?  Offset
> correct?  Clearance?
> Michael C.   
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Todd Phenneger
    83' ur-q (awaiting a 20vt)
    84' 4ktq  fun but I'm sick of CIS.

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