[200q20v] at least I cleaned out the sunflower seeds

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Mon Aug 21 23:57:38 EDT 2000

Baum lists the 3214 tool as a "hot new" item on page 30 of their 
catalog.  You have to contact them for the pricing.  Ph  941.927.1414  or 
fax xxx.1612.  You can e-mail danabaum at crl.com, but they'll fax you a quote 
and you have to call or fax to order.

At 09:48 PM 08/21/2000 -0400, Phil Rose wrote:

>Dave Lawson had posted that replacement of the "updated" fuel pump (which
>is characteristic of my '91 20V turbo) will definitely require Audi's 3214
>tool; Fred Munro also said  the 3214 tool was a necessity. But would I
>listen? Oh Noooooo. I just had to replace my _very_ noisy pump, and we
>don't need no stinkin' tool, right?
>So in (to the trunk) I plunged, removed the tank-access cover,  the
>electical connector, and all hoses;  pulled out the gauge sender (float
>unit). Then I spent a most frustrating hour peering into the tank and
>alternately twisting and cursing. All to absolutely no avail. At least the
>fuel level was very low so I avoided the discomfort of high-octane
>I know that Ed Kellock recently replaced the pump on his '91 V8 and managed
>to do without the "tool". If his pump was anything like mine, I don't wanna
>arm-wrestle with Ed!
>Anyway, I concluded there was no way I'd be able to release that pump
>housing without the aid of the 3214 tool. I just sewed my patient up and
>decided to have gin & tonic while considering possible options.
>Does any lister have a 3214 tool to lend me? Does Zalenda sell it?
>Oh, the sunflower seeds--I found a big pile of shells lying on top of the
>sender, where it seems some critters had found access.
>Phil Rose                               Rochester, NY
>'91 200q                                mailto:pjrose at frontiernet.net
>200q20v mailing list
>200q20v at audifans.com

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