Hard starting/rough running '87 100T

Jukka Majanen jiipm at sci.fi
Wed Aug 23 00:26:00 EDT 2000

Really sounds like a weak spark or lean mixture, ok just :)

Basics had done by the PO, also filter? Of course You have
checked all air leak possibilities.

After those it sounds like a bad leading in the TCI-unit 
(p/n 191 905 351B.) 

If not on ign. side maybe a jamming air mass plate?

my best
j-pm 91cq

>A friend of mine has got an '87 100T 5-speed that acts up.
>It has got almost no power and runs very rough at all speeds.
>Yesterday it even refused to start, and today it started after 5-6
>seconds of cranking, but idled at 1500 rpm and wouldn't go any higher
>than 1500 rpm no matter what you did. Driving with it is impossible..
>Sometimes (before it stopped "for good" it helped to stop the engine,
>leave it off half a minute or so and restart it. The fuel pump was
>changed by the PO less than a year ago..
>We only get a "4444" by pulling the codes..
>Any ideas? I tend to believe it's either something in the fuel system
>(clogged pickup or filter) or a vacuum leak. Any tips/hints?
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