Question for you turbo experts
Todd Phenneger
tquattroguy at
Wed Aug 23 02:38:25 EDT 2000
I'll buy that. But in your case your using it as a
Pop Off or Blow Off valve which in my opinion changes
what it is. It might be dual purpose but that changes
what it is per application. Right???
Lets say you move a Cold Start injector to just
after the TB and wire it to the WOT switch. Now, is
it still a Cold Start Injector or a WOT enrichment
Injector. I say its a WOT Enrichment injector. Or a
6th injector.
Sorry, thats the analogy that came to mind. THat
they way I look at it. I'm sure some agree and some
probably dont. :-)
--- JShadzi at wrote:
> In a message dated 8/22/00 6:00:44 PM Pacific
> Daylight Time,
> tquattroguy at writes:
> << Heya,
> Only one point I want to make. Its not a Blow
> off
> or Pop Off valve. They vent to atmosphere. Its a
> recirculation or bypass valve. >>
> Not necessarily so...I have a 944t "bypass
> valve" rigged to blow off to
> atmosphere using a one way valve in the vacuum line.
> It really can be used
> either way...
> Javad
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Todd Phenneger
83' ur-q (awaiting a 20vt)
84' 4ktq fun but I'm sick of CIS.
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